

Hi, welcome to Intuitive Maths Blog!
This blog is an attempt to present mathematical concepts in the most intuitive manner possible and hence, help students understand and appreciate the beauty of mathematics. There are many other popular blogs, books & video lectures on different topics in higher mathematics already; what makes this blog different is the focus on developing “mathematical intuition”.
I take this opportunity to define “intuition” for mathematics. Intuition, in context of mathematics, is the ability to conceptualize a proposition about a topic, before actually reading its formal definition or proof. Thus, building intuition for a mathematical concept, involves unraveling the concept, layer by layer, such that each layer allows student to conclude something about the concept. So, the topic (concept) needs to be presented in a particular sequential manner, such that when the formal definition is introduced, it is close to student’s expectations . This is what I try to do through this blog.
There are certain implications of studying mathematics intuitively:

  • No memorization required: Yes, this is true! because the prime purpose of memory is to store the junk (non-assimilated stuff) in the mind; intuitive maths is not junk anymore.
  • Unconditioned thought process: Many times one approach doesn’t work. In such a case, normally a student gives up, because (s)he is conditioned to think in a particular way. This is like moving in train, i.e., you can’t stop between the stations. But when you study mathematics intuitively, you can pause and reconsider the assumptions under which you are thinking. Basically, you can think about multiple implications; so you can approach in different direction as you wish. This is like driving your own car and taking uncommon routes to explore more about the city.
  • Geared up for real research: Well, this is an obvious implication of the unconditioned thought process, described above.
  • Satisfaction: This is hard to explain. I would rather ask you to follow my blog and experience it firsthand.

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