NT Insights Vol 1.0 Axiomatizing Natural Numbers

NT Insights Vol 1.0 Axiomatizing Natural Numbers

One can not prove theorems by assuming nothing. But what is more fascinating is that a large number of concepts can be explained by a fixed number of elementary notions, known as axioms.
Axioms are assumed to be self-evident truths. One such set of axioms about Natural Numbers was proposed by Peano:

Peano’s Axioms

Let denote a set. Suppose we are not permitted to see its contents. Instead, we are given the following information about :

  1. A mapping , different from indentity map, such that is invariant under , i.e.,
  2. Pre-image of does not exist under ,
    i.e., there does not exist an such that
  3. The mapping is injective, i.e.,
  4. If with and , then

With these axioms alone, we can describe/generate the entire set , without actually seeing its elements. Let us see HOW.

Let us start by analyzing what are we provided with. We are sure that there exists an element denoted by in . So is non-empty. Additionally there also exists a map from to itself, which is different from identity map.
This map is defined in such a way that when fed with an element of , it gives us another element from (because is not identity). Notice here, that had the map been identity map, it would be useless to us, since it would return the same element. So must be a non-identity map, so that we can get new information about .
When we input into , we get . Formally we can say that we knew and now is the new element other than which is known to be inside . Using recursive compositions of , we can get successive elements from . Further, the map is injective. This injective behaviour leads us to a very important theorem about .

Theorem 1.0 is injective is infinite.
Proof (by contradiction): Suppose set is finite with cardinality and let the last ( element) be denoted by . Notice two facts:

  1. All elements of (except ) , because all of them were produced by recursive compositions of , starting with .
  2. is injective map.

From above two points, we see that while constructing , when it comes the turn to map under function , all previous elements (including itself, except ) all previous elements except have a pre-image in . Since exists for all and is injective, we have only 2 options to map :

  1. is mapped to .
  2. is mapped to a new element yet.

Option 1 is not possible, since does not have a pre-image under .
Since the map exists and is defined for every element , Option 2 is the only possible way to map under .
So, ().
Thus, is the new/unseen element in , next to , which contradicts our assumption that is the last element in .

Since, the map gives successive elements as outputs via recursive compositions, we can call as the successor function. Notice that this successor function induces an ordering onto the elements of . The elements of the set may actually be unordered, but it is the “extraction policy” (recursive compositions, with as starting input), that makes them ordered. Also note that we still don’t know the explicit definition of , neither is it required. Thus, ordering is an after-effect of extraction process, not inherent to . Mathematically speaking, the existence of as referance point of extraction and the extraction process induces ordering on the set .

Remark: Since is the only natural number that does not have a pre-image (i.e., ), we can conclude that every non-zero natural number is a successor of some other natural number. We can prove this obvious fact by applying inductive () axiom of Peano.

Proposition 1.1 If and , then there exists such that .
Proof: Notice that we have to prove the statement for all . So let us define set for some .
Now we need to prove that . But inductive axiom is not suitable to prove such equality. Thus, we instead define and prove that using the inductive axiom.
, by definition.
Assume, , where , i.e., such that .
Then, .
Now, .
Thus, such that
Hence, by inductive axiom of Peano, .


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